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A peek inside The Writing Bar

    1. Welcome to The Writing Bar!

    2. Meet Your Bartender & Tour the Bar

    3. Tell us a couple things – We Want to Celebrate You and Send You Fun Stuff

    4. Drinks on the House - Download, print, and cut these photoprops to have some fun

    5. Zoom Details & Google Calendar

    6. The Writing Bar Zoom Background

    7. Spotify Playlists to Write By

    8. Bookshop Bookshelf of Writing Bar Book Recommendations

    9. Loyalty Coaching Calls

    1. Q1 2023 Calendar & Schedule

    2. Q2 2023 Calendar & Schedule

    3. Q3 2023 Topical Calendar_The Writing BarQ

    1. Q1 2023 Challenges -- Submit a Piece to TWPRT's Blog or Do an "Edit" Exchange

    2. Q2 2023 Challenges -- Creating a Writing Schedule & Looking for Depth

    1. Session 10.25.22 - 9 Hard Truths About Traditional Publishing

    2. Session 1.12.23 - 2023 Intention Setting

    3. Session 1.20.23 - Crash Course on Blogging (a checklist of sorts)

    4. Session 1.24.23 - The Intersection Between Your Book, Brand & Business

    5. Session 2.9.23 - Facing the Tough Stuff

    6. Session 2.17.23 - Levels of Editing

    7. Session 2.28..23 - Other Ways to Publish

    8. Session 3.9.23 - Safety in Sharing

    9. Session 3.17.23 - Developing Your Voice

    10. Session 3.28.23 - Things to Know About Alternative Publishing Options

    11. Session 4.13.23 - Self-Discipline and Not Following the Muse

    12. Session 4.21.23 - Process Over Perfection

    13. Session 4.25.23 - Treat Your Book Like a Business

    14. Session 5.11.23 - What's Your Writing Telling You

    15. Session 5.19.23 - Writing Better Introductions and Conclusions

    16. Session 5.23.23 - Start with the End in Mind

    17. Session 6.8.23 - That Icky Feeling About Revisions

    18. Session 6.16.23 - The Meaty Middle

    19. Session 6.27.23 - Creating Your "Business Plan"

    20. Session 7.13.23 - "I don't have a following."

    21. Session 7.13.23 - Coaching Segment

    22. Session 7.21.23 - Unsexy But Neceseary (Part 1)

    23. Session 7.25.23 - Developmental Editing

    24. Session 8.18.23 - Line Editing

    1. Setting My Writing Intentions – Exercises & Worksheet

    2. Getting Organized Toolbox

    3. Termination letter template for Fear and Doubt:

    4. Editing Tips, Tricks, Tools

    1. Accessing Your Inner Wisdom (a guided meditation) with Jennifer Jane Young

    2. Follow Your Intuition Before It Makes Sense - Intuitive Lessons

    3. Say Yes to Your Yes: How to Trust Your Gut and Take the Leap in Business and in Life

    4. How do you stay self-disciplined?

    5. DIY Story Coach Packet to Help You Get Your Story Started and Finished

    6. 10 Ways to Optimize Your Author Website _ The Writing Bar _ Meadowlark Consulting

    7. Worldbuilding Workbook for Authors from DaybreakLit

The Writing Bar combines writing instruction, writing time, writing coaching, and a writing community all in one place.

Your every writing hour will be a happy hour.